Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Lady of The Lake

October 23rd, 2011
Lakeview Road, Granite Lake, Munsonville, NH 03457
A Catholic Non-profit
Company Overview
Our Lady of the Lake Project is the brainchild/plan of Andrea and James Johnson to create a Catholic Retreat Center on Granite Lake in Munsonville, New Hampshire, in memory of James' mother, Jane Caruso Johnson. "Blueberry Patch" the area we hope to develop, was once the vacation home of the Caruso family, and holds a place close to our hearts where we hope to do the good work of our Church. Our Lady of the Lake, once established, has the vision of providing both group and individual retreats for young adults, couples, families, church groups, and teens. With a firm foundation in Church teaching and a presence of the Holy Spirit, we pray that we will be blessed to also serve the church in the ministry of providing retreats for church volunteers and employees, youth ministers, evangelists, speakers, and religious education volunteers.
Located on a pristine and pastural 7 acres, in the foothills of Mount Manadnock. This area is an ideal spot for a Catholic Retreat Center. Having worked in ministry for a decade and having attended retreats at various locations for most of our lives, We have found that this is an area of the country in great need of a sacred place, solid in church teaching, in which to foster the faith of our young adults, couples and families who are searching for a deeper realtionship with Our Savior.
General Information
Planning has begun to accomplish the following goals in the next year:
1- To meet and network with potential investors and donors in November and December of 2011 to outline our vision. This goal begins now and will be ongoing.
2- To create a website in November, 2011 to foster networking and marketing
3- To survey the area in the Spring of 2012
4- Plan the layout of the retreat buildings in the Spring of 2012. All building will be "green" and eco-friendly. IE- solar power, radiant heat, basically completely off the grid and LEED certified.
5- To clear the land of trees and underbrish growth in the first two weeks of August 2012- ALL ARE WELCOME TO HELP WITH THIS :)
6- Ideas and advice are welcome for necessary steps while we further develop our vision and business plan for Our Lady of the Lake.
Our Mission is to provide a locale for spiritual retreat for those seeking a place to foster a closer relationship with God.

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